A virtual version of the Population Association of America’s Annual Meeting will be taking place online Thursday, April 23 through Saturday, April 25. Though fewer scholars will be participating overall, a healthy number of CDE/CDHA faculty and students are still set to present! Their sessions are listed below. All times are ET. To view the full Virtual PAA schedule, click here.
Thursday, April 23
Studies of Assortative Mating Using American Community Survey (ACS) Data (asynchronous)
8:30 AM–10:00 AM
Files will be uploaded to the PAA Engage Library when it becomes available. https://engage.populationassociation.org/paa-2020/ Please log in with your PAA credentials to begin.
Emily Schondelmyer, U.S. Census Bureau
Christine Schwartz, University of Wisconsin
Flash: Innovative Approaches to Studying Fertility, Sexuality, and Reproductive Health (real time)
10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/684259299 Meeting ID: 684 259 299 One tap mobile +16465588656,,684259299# US (New York) +13126266799,,684259299# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 301 715 8592 US +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US Meeting ID: 684 259 299
- The Effects of Method-Related Sexual Effects on Contraceptive Method Satisfaction and Continuation
Presenting Author: Kelsey Wright, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Co-Authors: David Turok; Jessica Sanders; Jenny Higgins; Bethany Everett, University of Utah
Gender and Housework Contexts (real time)
11:00 AM–12:30 PM
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82386984474?pwd=WS9ZRDJ5WHF2L0ZNTDYrYWZxWUlxUT09 Password-protected. Please contact kamila.kolpashnikova@sociology.ox.ac.uk to receive it.
- Housemates and Housework: A New Context for Gendered Household Labor?
Presenting Author: Ariane Ophir, University of Wisconsin–Madison
International Migration and Child Well-being (asynchronous)
1:00 PM–2:30 PM
Files will be uploaded to the PAA Engage Library https://engage.populationassociation.org/paa-2020/
Forced-Choice Dilemma? Immigrant Youth’s School Achievement and Popularity
Presenting Author: Leafia Ye, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Co-Authors: Jason Fletcher, University of Wisconsin- Madison
Loneliness and Social Support in Later Life (real time)
3:00 PM–4:30 PM
Zoom Meeting Information: https://iu.zoom.us/j/359855508?pwd=SGZNMVJ2Vi9hTE8vRGxyVEVYckc0QT09 Password: 882305
- Loneliness and isolation at older ages in Japan: A life table approach
Presenting Author: Shiro Furuya, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Co-Authors: James M Raymo, Princeton University
Long-Term Effects of Early Life on Inequality in Social and Economic Well-being (asynchronous)
5:00 PM–6:30 PM
Files will be uploaded to the PAA Engage Library when it becomes available. https://engage.populationassociation.org/paa-2020/ Please log in with your PAA credentials to begin.
- The Influence of Early-Life Economic Shocks on Long-Term Outcomes: Evidence From the U.S. Great Depression
Presenting Author: Valentina Duque, University of Michigan
Co-Authors: Lauren Schmitz, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Friday, April 24
Fertility and Family Planning in the Context of Crises (asynchronous)
8:15 AM–9:45 AM
Files will be uploaded to the PAA Engage Library when it becomes available. https://engage.populationassociation.org/paa-2020/ Please log in with your PAA credentials to begin.
Monica Caudillo, University of Maryland
Jenna Nobles, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Daniel Schneider, University of California, Berkeley
- Fertility Postponement as Adaptive Livelihoods Strategy? The Impact of Cyclone Idai on Reproductive Decision-making in Rural Malawi
Presenting Author: Monica Grant, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Co-Authors: Katherine Curtis, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Migration and Economic Disparities Between Metropolitan Areas (asynchronous)
10:15 AM–11:45 AM
Files will be uploaded to the PAA Engage Library when it becomes available. https://engage.populationassociation.org/paa-2020/ Please log in with your PAA credentials to begin.
William Frey, University of Michigan
Malia Jones, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Impacts of Abortion Law and Policy (real time)
10:30 AM–12:00 PM
Please register to attend this zoom session. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XLNc_18BSdyhcHZIr3H13Q
- Undue Burden Beyond Texas: An Analysis of Abortion Clinic Closures, Births, and Abortions in Wisconsin
Presenting Author: Joanna Venator, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Co-Authors: Jason Fletcher, University of Wisconsin- Madison
Family Complexity and Diversity (real time)
11:00 AM–12:00 PM
https://umich.zoom.us/j/656930609 Files will be uploaded to the PAA Engage Library when it is available. https://engage.populationassociation.org/paa-2020/ Please log in with your PAA credentials to begin.
- Marginalized Legal Categories: Social Inequality, Family Structure, and the Laws of Intestacy
Presenting Author: Megan Bea (University of Wisconsin)
Co-Authors: Emily Taylor Poppe, University of California, Irvine School of Law
Flash: Family Context and Child Well-being (asynchronous)
2:45 PM–4:15 PM
Files will be uploaded to the PAA Engage Library when it becomes available. https://engage.populationassociation.org/paa-2020/ Please log in with your PAA credentials to begin.
- Poverty and Children’s Behavioral Problems: The Moderating Role of Parent-Child Relationships
Presenting Author: Annaliese Grant, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Co-Authors: Marcia Carlson, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Saturday, April 25
Homeownership and Housing Disparities
9:15 AM–10:45 AM
Asynchronous Session
Files will be uploaded to the PAA Engage Library when it becomes available. https://engage.populationassociation.org/paa-2020/ Please log in with your PAA credentials to begin.
- The Impact of Parental Wealth on Children’s Nest-Leaving, Renting, and Homebuying
Presenting Author: Ang Yu, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Thursday, June 18
Rural Demographic, Economic, and Social Change (real time)
1:00 PM–2:30 PM
- Beyond Area Disadvantage: How Disadvantage Indexes Make and Miss the Mark for Predicting Sense of Community
Presenting Author: Alexander Mikulas, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Co-Authors: Michal Engelman, University of Wisconsin–Madison; Kristen Malecki, University of Wisconsin–Madison; Katherine Curtis, University of Wisconsin–Madison