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Journal Articles Published Recently by CDE Affiliates, Fall 2024 (Partial List)
Besbris, Max, Sadie Dempsey, Brian McCabe, and Eva Rosen. “Pandemic Housing: The Role of Landlords, Social Networks, and Social Policy in Mitigating Housing Insecurity During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 10, no. 4 (2024): 207-224.
Powell, W. Ryan, Luke Chamberlain, William R. Buckingham, Ying Cao, Mariétou H. Ouayogodé, Robin L. Lankton, and Amy JH Kind. “Evaluating Policy Changes for Adjusting Payment to Address Health Disparities.” In JAMA Health Forum, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. e242905-e242905. American Medical Association, 2024.
Shanahan, Meghan E., Anna E. Austin, Christine P. Durrance, Sandra L. Martin, Desmond K. Runyan, and Carol W. Runyan. “The Association of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program and Intimate Partner Violence Related Emergency Department Visits.” Journal of Family Violence (2024): 1-7.
Blaabæk, Ea Hoppe, Daniel Juhász Vigild, Felix Elwert, Peter Fallesen, and Lars H. Andersen. “Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Criminal Charges and Convictions in Mid and Late Adolescence.” JAMA Pediatrics (2024).
Kong, Jooyoung, Scott D. Easton, and Jason M. Fletcher. “Lifetime Revictimization: Evidence From the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 39, no. 19-20 (2024): 4113-4134.
Barwick, Panle Jia, Siyu Chen, Chao Fu, and Teng Li. “Digital Distractions with Peer Influence: The Impact of Mobile App Usage on Academic and Labor Market Outcomes.” No. w33054. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2024.
He, Qian, Theodore P. Gerber, and Yu Xie. “Restoring culture and capital to cultural capital: origin–destination cultural distance and immigrant earnings in the United States.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 50, no. 16 (2024): 4041-4069.
Magnuson, Katherine, Greg Duncan, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Paul Yoo, Sangdo Han, Lisa A. Gennetian, Nathan Fox, Sarah Halpern-Meekin, and Kimberly Noble. “Can Cash Transfers Improve Maternal Well-being and Family Processes among Families with Young Children? An Experimental Analysis.” Available at SSRN (2024).
Mark, Nicholas DE. “Reexamining the causes of age patterns in Black-White birth weight disparities: Evidence from US cohorts.” Social Science Research 123 (2024): 103066.
McQuillan, Mollie T., Joseph R. Cimpian, Benjamin A. Lebovitz, and Erin K. Gill. “Transgender Adolescent School Climate, Mental Health, and Adult Social Support.” JAMA Pediatrics (2024).
Attanasio, Orazio, Costas Meghir, Corina Mommaerts, and Yu Zheng. “Growing apart: Declining within-and across-locality insurance in rural China.” Journal of Development Economics (2024): 103366.
Nguyen, Ann W., Weidi Qin, Elliane Irani, Uchechi A. Mitchell, and Karen D. Lincoln. “Discrimination and sleep disturbance among older Black Americans: A longitudinal analysis of the Health and Retirement Study.” Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation (2024).
Cross, Tzu-Wen L., Abigayle MR Simpson, Ching-Yen Lin, Natasha M. Hottmann, Aadra P. Bhatt, Samuel J. Pellock, Erik R. Nelson et al. (Federico Rey) “Gut microbiome responds to alteration in female sex hormone status and exacerbates metabolic dysfunction.” Gut Microbes 16, no. 1 (2024): 2295429.
Friedson, Andrew, Moyan Li, Katherine Meckel, Daniel I. Rees, and Daniel W. Sacks. “Exposure to Cigarette Taxes as a Teenager and the Persistence of Smoking into Adulthood.“ Health Economics 33, no. 9 (2024): 1962-1988.
Opsasnick, Lauren A., Wei Zhao, Lauren L. Schmitz, Scott M. Ratliff, Jessica D. Faul, Xiang Zhou, Belinda L. Needham, and Jennifer A. Smith. “Epigenome-wide association study of long-term psychosocial stress in older adults.” Epigenetics 19, no. 1 (2024): 2323907.
Mazzeo, Flavia, Christine Schwartz, Stefani Scherer, and Agnese Vitali. “Trends in Women’s Educational Advantage and Divorce in East and West Germany.” Comparative Population Studies 49 (2024).
Johnson, David, and Timothy Smeeding. “Creating an Integrated System of Data and Statistics on Household Income, Consumption, and Wealth.” International Journal of Population Data Science 9, no. 5 (2024).
Fisher, Sheehan D., Tova Walsh, and Clare Wongwai. “The Importance of Perinatal Non-birthing Parents’ Mental Health and Involvement for Family Health.” In Seminars in Perinatology, p. 151950. WB Saunders, 2024.