Jason Fletcher

Credentials: Professor, Public Affairs; Population Health Sciences

Email: jason.fletcher@wisc.edu

2436 Sewell Social Sciences
1180 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706

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Department of Public Affairs
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Curriculum Vitae

Jason Fletcher is a Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Public Affairs with appointments in Applied Economics and Population Health Sciences. A specialist in health economics, economics of education, social genomics, and child and adolescent health policy, Professor Fletcher focuses his research on examining social network effects on adolescent education and health outcomes, combining genetics and social science research, estimating long-term consequences of childhood mental illness, and examining how in utero and early life conditions affect later life health, cognition, and mortality.

CDE Research Area Affiliations:

Biodemography, Health and the Life Course, and the Demography of Inequality

Selected Publications:

Fletcher, Jason, Katie Jajtner, and Jinho Kim. “Geographic Disparities in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia Mortality in the US: Comparing Impacts of Place of Birth and Place of Residence.” SSM-Population Health (2024): 101708.

Lebenbaum, Michael, and Jason Fletcher. “Religious service attendance is protective against the diseases of despair: evidence from regression, sibling fixed effects and instrumental variables analyses.” American Journal of Epidemiology (2024): kwae289.

Topping, Michael, Jason Fletcher, and Jinho Kim. “Variation in Adult Cognition Across Domains and Life Course Place Effects in the UK.” Journal of Aging and Health (2024): 08982643241264586.

Furuya, Shiro, and Jason M. Fletcher. “Retirement Makes You Old? Causal Effect of Retirement on Biological Age.” Demography 61, no. 3 (2024): 901-931.

Topping, Michael, and Jason Fletcher. “Educational attainment, family background and the emergence of pain gradients in adulthood.” Social Science & Medicine 346 (2024): 116692.