Christine Schwartz

Credentials: CDE Associate Director; Professor, Sociology


4462 Sewell Social Sciences
1180 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706

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Department of Sociology
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Curriculum Vitae

My research interests fall at the intersection of family demography, stratification, and gender. Much of my work examines the causes and consequences of assortative mating to gain insight into the links between family change and inequality in the United States. Another line of research examines the consequences of the reversal of the gender gap in education for marriage patterns and marriage outcomes. I teach undergraduate and graduate-level courses on demographic methods, statistics, data management, and family demography. Several of my undergraduate classes feature a step-by-step approach to writing journal style articles, conducting independent data analysis projects, and displaying and writing about quantitative data.

CDE Research Area Affiliations:

Demography of Inequality; Fertility, Families, and Households

Selected Publications:

Schwartz, Christine R., and Michael D. King. “The Changing Role of Mothers’ Status in Children’s College Completion.” (2024).

Schwartz, Christine R., Rodrigo González-Velastín, and Anita Li. “Lifetime years married held steady for men with a BA degree since 1960 but dropped to lowest level since 1880 for men without a BA.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, no. 28 (2023): e2301983120.