In recent weeks, the COVID-19 outbreak has been the near-singular focus of the news media, and CDE affiliates have made their mark in the news cycle. Malia Jones typed a message for her family, friends, and …
CDE Grad Students and Postdocs Move to Faculty Positions
Congratulations to CDE graduate student Esteban Quiñones (agricultural and applied economics), who completed his PhD last spring/summer. Quiñones’ research focused on poverty and the roles that households and government policies play in alleviating deprivation, with …
Marcy Carlson Elected Vice President of PAA
We are pleased that CDE’s Director, Marcy Carlson, has been elected vice president of the Population Association of America (PAA). PAA is the leading U.S. scientific, professional organization promoting research on population issues. She will …
New Faces at CDE
CDE is excited to welcome five new assistant professors to campus in fall 2019 who will expand the depth and breadth of our scholarship. Megan Bea joins UW’s School of Human Ecology after receiving a …
Center Funding: CDE Center Grant Five-Year Funding Secured
CDE is pleased to report that we have received official approval from NICHD for five years of continued funding for our Center grant (2019-24). The Population Dynamics Research Infrastructure Program at NICHD advances the field …
Interviewer-Respondent Interaction and Measurement of Health Outcomes
CDE affiliate Jen Dykema is embarking on a two-year research project funded by the National Science Foundation entitled “Effects of interviewers, respondents, and questions on survey measurement of health outcomes and health disparities.” In this …
Conference: Demographic Responses to Changes in the Natural Environment
Within the current context of global climate change, the study of how environmental changes are shaping individual behaviors related to human migration, mortality, and fertility is among the most pressing issues confronting population research and …
PAA 2019 Recap
Another great PAA annual meeting is in the books! At the conference, 57 affiliates, including 24 students and 6 postdocs, appeared on the conference program 98 times as part of a panel or poster. Graduate …
Graduate Students Accomplishments
CDE extends hearty congratulations to three of its graduate students, Isabel Pike, Esteban Quiñones, and Julia Thomas, on their recent awards and honors. Pike was named a Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellow in Women’s Studies for …
CDE Affiliates Receive University Honors
CDE affiliates Chao Fu and Jenna Nobles were among the 11 faculty members to receive H. I. Romnes Faculty Fellowships. The award recognizes faculty up to six years past their first promotion to a tenured …