Congratulations to the seven CDE affiliates who received new research grants, from both university and federal funders, this spring. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education and the Wisconsin Alumni Research …
Student Profile: PhD Candidate Isabel Pike
Name: Isabel Pike, PhD candidate in sociology Hometown: Kampala, Uganda (that is where I spent my whole childhood until college but I was born in England and am a UK citizen) Educational background: Princeton University, …
New Grants and Awards for CDE Affiliates
CDE affiliates had a productive fall semester—congratulations to Michael Light, Katherine Curtis, Marcy Carlson, Malia Jones, Marguerite Burns, and Jenna Nobles for their new grants and awards. Michael Light (sociology; Chican@/Latin@ studies) received funding from …
Alberto Palloni Named 2019 IUSSP Laureate
Congratulations to Alberto Palloni, recipient of the 29th Laureate Award from the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). Established in 1991 and awarded annually, the IUSSP Laureate Award recognizes the life-time achievements …
CDE Center Grant Renewed
We are pleased to announce that the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) renewed CDE’s center grant (P2C HD047873) for 2019–24, continuing a nearly half-century tradition of infrastructure support …
Two CDE Predoctoral Students Complete PhDs
Congratulations to CDE graduate students Ellen Dinsmore and Catherine Doren, who completed their PhDs in sociology this summer. Dinsmore’s research focuses on crime, deviance, and social control. Her dissertation, “Blurring the Thin Blue Line: The Rise of the …
New Faculty, Postdocs, and Graduate Students Join CDE
Welcome to John Eason (sociology), CDE’s newest faculty affiliate. Eason came to Madison from Texas A&M, where he was an associate professor of sociology. In his research, Eason challenges existing models and develops new theories of community, …
DemSem Event with William (Bill) Frey
On September 24, Bill Frey, a senior fellow at Brookings and research professor at Michigan’s Population Studies Center, was the keynote speaker at a special Demography Seminar (DemSem). Frey is an internationally-known demographer who conducts …
2017–18 Academic Year in Review
The 2017–18 academic year has come to a close, making it a great time to reflect back on what has been accomplished at CDE since September. “It’s an exciting time to be at CDE, with …
School of Education Grand Challenges
In February 2017, UW–Madison’s School of Education launched the Grand Challenges grant program to support research and practice in education, health, and creative expression. In its inaugural year, Grand Challenges funded four Transform Grants (up …