The 2017–18 academic year has come to a close, making it a great time to reflect back on what has been accomplished at CDE since September. “It’s an exciting time to be at CDE, with …
may/june 2018
School of Education Grand Challenges
In February 2017, UW–Madison’s School of Education launched the Grand Challenges grant program to support research and practice in education, health, and creative expression. In its inaugural year, Grand Challenges funded four Transform Grants (up …
Student Update: Graduation, Awards, and Honors
Congratulations to four CDE students who completed their doctoral work in May 2018: Zack Barnett-Howell, Rachel Frattarola, Jinho Kim, and Stephanie Koning. Zack Barnett-Howell completed a joint PhD in agricultural and applied economics and political …
Spencer Foundation Funds Study on Transition to Kindergarten
Eric Grodsky (sociology) received a grant from the Spencer Foundation for the project “The Madison Education Partnership: Collaborating around the Transition to Kindergarten.” Together with co-principal investigators Elizabeth Vaade, Caroline Racine Gilles, and Culleen Witthuhn …
New Round of UW2020 Projects Funded
Five CDE affiliates are taking part in new research funded by the UW2020 initiative, a competitive grant program that supports collaborative, highly innovative projects that have the potential to fundamentally transform a field of study. …
Affiliate Updates: Awards, Professorships, and Promotions
Each spring, extraordinary members of the faculty receive prestigious awards supported by the estate of William F. Vilas (1840–1908), a former UW professor and regent. This year, three CDE faculty affiliates were among those honored. …