Five CDE affiliates are taking part in new research funded by the UW2020 initiative, a competitive grant program that supports collaborative, highly innovative projects that have the potential to fundamentally transform a field of study.
Katherine Curtis (community and environmental sociology) is a co-principal investigator for a project that will launch a campus-wide data science hub. The goal of the hub is to coordinate and execute a campus-wide data science strategy that fills critical gaps and supports data science growth and cross-fertilization.
Kristen Malecki and Jonathan Patz are part of a team working to develop an interactive online system that will help support advanced disaster preparedness by providing flood and health risk predictions.
Michael Massoglia is collaborating on the project on “Improving Outcomes for Incarcerated Parents and Their Children through Enhanced Jail Visits,” which aims to improve behavioral outcomes and family relationships for children with incarcerated parents and also to reduce recidivism.
Federico Rey is helping establish a data registry and biobank of individuals with diabetes as a next step toward delivering personalized care for the over 29 million people in the US with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.