Two CDE Predoctoral Students Complete PhDs

Congratulations to CDE graduate students Ellen Dinsmore and Catherine Doren, who completed their PhDs in sociology this summer. Dinsmore’s research focuses on crime, deviance, and social control. Her dissertation, “Blurring the Thin Blue Line: The Rise of the Military Model in U.S. Policing,” examined the increased use of military strategies and equipment by American law enforcement. Dinsmore’s work has been supported by the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy, and she was the recipient of the foundation’s Donald R. Cressey Award for an outstanding project in criminal justice in 2016. Dinsmore is a senior assoicate at Pew Charitable Trusts in Washington, D.C.

In her dissertation, Doren explored how educational attainment and labor force outcomes unfold across the life course and how they may vary across groups of women. Doren found that gender and motherhood have heterogeneous effects by education and other demographic characteristics, including race, parity, and fertility timing. Doren is now a postdoctoral research associate at the Center for Research on Child Wellbeing and the Office of Population Research at Princeton.