Interviewer-Respondent Interaction and Measurement of Health Outcomes

CDE affiliate Jen Dykema is embarking on a two-year research project funded by the National Science Foundation entitled “Effects of interviewers, respondents, and questions on survey measurement of health outcomes and health disparities.” In this research, Dykema and her colleague, former CDE student Dana Garbarski (Loyola University-Chicago) will examine the dimensions and impacts of interviewer and respondent behaviors in the context of health-related survey research. The goal is to prevent systematic measurement error and bias and decrease unreliability. The researchers hope to improve procedures for collecting and analyzing health-related measures by describing key features of the survey interview situation and how these features vary across social groups-critical issues in a multi-cultural society. The results of this study are important to survey practitioners, federal data collection efforts, and social, behavioral, and medical researchers, particularly in terms of understanding participation in medical research, questionnaire design, interviewing methods, interviewer training, and improving the collection and analysis of health data in surveys.