Another great PAA annual meeting is in the books! At the conference, 57 affiliates, including 24 students and 6 postdocs, appeared on the conference program 98 times as part of a panel or poster. Graduate …
may/june 2019
Graduate Students Accomplishments
CDE extends hearty congratulations to three of its graduate students, Isabel Pike, Esteban Quiñones, and Julia Thomas, on their recent awards and honors. Pike was named a Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellow in Women’s Studies for …
CDE Affiliates Receive University Honors
CDE affiliates Chao Fu and Jenna Nobles were among the 11 faculty members to receive H. I. Romnes Faculty Fellowships. The award recognizes faculty up to six years past their first promotion to a tenured …
New Grants for CDE Affiliates
Congratulations to the seven CDE affiliates who received new research grants, from both university and federal funders, this spring. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education and the Wisconsin Alumni Research …