Deb Ehrenthal and Lonnie Berger received R01 funding from NICHD for their project on “Prenatal Opioid Exposure: Birth, Health, Socioeconomic, and Educational Outcomes of Mothers and Their Children.” The research team has assembled a database of ~800,000 live births (including ~350,000 Medicaid-covered live births) in Wisconsin from 2008-2018. This project will link this enormous database to various administrative data sources in order to better understand and address the effects of the opioid epidemic on mothers and their children. Co-Investigators on this grant include CDE affiliates Christine Durrance, Jenna Nobles and Jessica Pac.
Jenna Nobles, CDE associate director for training, was awarded a new R01 from NICHD. The project, entitled “Conception Failure and Pregnancy Loss in the U.S.,” studies infertility and miscarriage with georeferenced data on several million U.S. residents from administrative records and mobile device applications that track menstrual cycles and pregnancies. The study also seeks to redefine survival bias in social science research, by considering the wide range of conditions that influence whether and when people become parents and pregnancies become births.
Katherine Curtis received not one, but two new NICHD R03 grants! The first, entitled “Age-Specific Net Migration Estimates for U.S. Counties, 2010-2020: Data Generation & Archiving” will produce new county-level migration estimates by age, sex, race and Hispanic origin for 2010-2020 and will link these with prior estimates to produce a dataset of 70 years of county-level migration estimates. The second, “Demographic Responses to Natural Resource Changes” will explore how environmental changes and related changes in natural resource-based economies impact human migration patterns.
Jenny Higgins received a major grant from an anonymous donor to launch the UW Collaborative for Reproductive Equity (CORE) – a campus-wide initiative focused on reproductive health research and translation to address critical needs in reproductive health and healthcare in Wisconsin. Based in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, CORE is led by Director Higgins, Associate Director Amy Williamson, and a team of interdisciplinary researchers and trainees, including many affiliated with CDE.
Michael Light received a grant from the National Institute of Justice on “Unauthorized Immigration, Crime, and Recidivism: Evidence from Texas.” This project will use detailed information on all arrests in Texas between 2011 and 2018 to examine comparative crime and recidivism rates between unauthorized immigrants, legal residents and native-born citizens.
Stephanie Robert is collaborating on a new NICHD R21 project based at the University of Southern California (PI: Daniel Hackman) entitled “Adolescent responses to varying environments in virtual reality simulations.”
Several CDE affiliates were successful in the latest round of UW2020 funding:
Katherine Magnuson and Marah Curtis received funding for “Building A Transformational Data Resource to Support Housing Research.” This project will use linked administrative data (via the Institute for Research on Poverty) to better understand families’ experiences with housing instability, what works to produce housing stability, and the effectiveness of public programs that address housing. J. Michael Collins and Deb Ehrenthal are co-investigators.
Kristen Malecki and Federico Rey are co-investigators on the UW2020 project, “Accelerating Diabetes and Metabolism Research at UW-Madison” (PI: Dudley Lamming, endocrinology). This project establishes two new innovative research core facilities that will accelerate diabetes and metabolism research.