Marah Curtis
Credentials: Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, Social Work
202 School of Social Work Bldg
1350 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706
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My research focuses on how the quality, stability and availability of housing interact with and shape the well-being of vulnerable families. As a faculty affiliate of the Center for Demography and Ecology, my research is most closely connected to the research areas of Fertility, Families and Households and the Demography of Inequality. My training and expertise in the area of housing and income-conditioned benefit policies allow me to mentor students in exploring the dynamic relationship between housing, public policy and family well-being.
CDE Research Area Affiliations:
Demography of Inequality; Fertility, Families, and Households
Selected Publications:
Carroll, Anne, Hope Corman, Marah Curtis, Kelly Noonan, and Nancy E. Reichman. “Housing Instability and Children’s Health Insurance Gaps.” Academic Pediatrics 17, no. 7 (2017): 732-38. PubMed Central ID 6058677.
Warren, Emily J., Yonah N. Drazen, and Marah Curtis. “Public Housing Agency Preferences for the Homeless as a Policy Lever: Examining County-Level Housing Subsidy Receipt and Maltreatment Rates.” Children and Youth Services Review 78 (2017): 81-88. PubMed Central ID 6072271.