DemSemX – A Cross-Center Collaboration

CDE has developed a new cross-center collaborative effort – DemSemX – that will virtually bring together faculty and students from population research centers across 8 U.S. universities (Bowling Green, Cornell, Michigan, Minnesota, Penn State, Texas, UCLA and UW-Madison) to enhance scholarly interaction and graduate training across institutions. These centers will join forces to bring you a first-of-its-kind event – made possible only by the strong UW-Madison network that CDE has cultivated over the years. Of these 8 population centers, 5 are currently directed by UW-Madison/CDE alums.

Join us this Friday, May 29, 2020, 1-3pm CT, for an inaugural DemSemX:

The first hour (1-2pm CT) will be a plenary session, where Wendy D. Manning and Elizabeth Wrigley-Field will each present and field questions on their new plans underway for conducting COVID-19 responsive research. Link to this session is here.

The second hour (2-3pm CT) will have breakout rooms for student presentations, hosted by each of the 8 universities. Two students per room will briefly present their research, and two faculty per room will provide feedback and guide discussion. You are welcome to join any of the breakout rooms (or move between them). Click here for the flyer with details and links to connect.