Sims, Mario Working paper no. 1996-24 Abstract In this paper, I examine 1960 to 1980 trends in suburbanization and education segregation within the black and white populations of four U.S. metropolitan areas. This analysis provides …
Trends in Black-White Test Score Differentials: I. Uses and Misuses of NAEP/SAT Data
Hauser, Robert Working paper no. 1996-29
Trends in Black-White Test Score Differentials: II. The WORDSUM Vocabulary Test
Huang, Min-Hsiung, and Robert Hauser Working paper no. 1996-30
Differential Fertility, Intergenerational Educational Mobility, and Racial Inequality
Mare, Robert Working paper no. 1997-03 Abstract Recent commentary has suggested that the relatively high fertility of poorly educated women tends to dampen the average intellectual qualifications of the population. To evaluate this claim requires …
The Impact of a Culturally Appropriate STD/AIDS Education Intervention on Black Male Adolescents’ Sexual and Condom Use Behavior
DeLamater, John, David Wagstaff, and Kayt Klein Havens Working paper no. 1998-03 Abstract A culturally appropriate, theoretically-based videotape was developed in collaboration with local African American producers to promote condom use among 15- to 19-year-old …
Migration and the Maintenance of Racial Segregation
Quillian, Lincoln Working paper no. 1998-29 Abstract This paper examines the patterns of residential mobility by whites and African Americans that contribute to continued high levels of black/white residential segregation in American cities. Using data …
Mortality in the US: Comparing Race/Ethnicity and Nativity
Swallen, Karen Working paper no. 1999-04 Abstract Mortality differentials by nativity have not received as much attention as have mortality differentials by race. We examine the joint effects of race/ethnicity and nativity. Race- and nativity-specific …
The Structure of Disadvantage: Individual and Occupational Determinants of the Black-White Wage Gap
Grodsky, Eric, and Devah Pager Working paper no. 1999-28 Abstract In this paper we explore individual and occupational characteristics that explain earnings inequality between black and white men. Our research is motivated by the idea …
Black Neighbors, Higher Crime? The Role of Racial Stereotypes in Evaluations of Neighborhood Crime
Quillian, Lincoln, and Devah Pager Working paper no. 2000-03 Abstract Our paper investigates the relationship between neighborhood racial composition and perceptions residents have of their neighborhood’s level of crime. We use survey questions asking about …
Convergent Trends in Black-White Test-Score Differentials in the U.S.: A Correction of Richard Lynn
Huang, Min-Hsiung, and Robert Hauser Working paper no. 2000-07 Abstract Using aggregate data from the General Social Survey (GSS), 1974-1996, Lynn (1998) claims that the Black-White intelligence difference in the United States has not been …