Andrew, Megan, and Robert M. Hauser Working paper no. 2009-12 Abstract Educational expectations measure a youth’s plans for further educational attainment and have been dubbed the “strategic center” of a model of educational and occupational …
Examining the Antecedents of U.S. Nonmarital Fatherhood
Carlson, Marcia, Alicia VanOrman and Natasha Pilkauskas Working paper no. 2010-12 Abstract Despite the dramatic rise in nonmarital childbearing in recent decades, there has been limited attention to factors affecting nonmarital fatherhood (beyond studies of …
Age, Sex, and Race Effects in Anchoring Vignette Studies: Methodological and Empirical Contributions
Grol-Prokopczyk, Hanna Working paper no. 2010-18 Abstract In the past decade, anchoring vignettes have become an increasingly popular tool for identifying and correcting for group differences in use of subjective ordered response categories. However, existing …
U.S. Return Migration and the Decline in Southern Black Disadvantage, 1970-2000
Curtis, Katherine Working paper no. 2011-02 Abstract Objective. This study investigates how the Return Migration altered racial inequality in poverty in the American South. Methods. I disaggregate southern poverty into its separate constituents using household data from …
Racial Inequality in Southern Poverty, 1970-2000: Compositional and Spatial Dynamics of Black Return Migration
Curtis, Katherine, and Jack DeWaard Working paper no. 2011-03 Abstract This research examines how black return migration shaped racial inequality in local-area poverty in the U.S. South. Using census data for 1970 and 2000, we …
Assessing the Spatial Concentration and Temporal Persistence of Poverty: Industrial Structure, Racial/Ethnic Composition, and the Complex Links to Poverty
Curtis, Katherine, Perla E. Reyes, and Heather O’Connell Working paper no. 2012-06 Abstract This study assesses the social-structural, spatial, and temporal dimensions of aggregate-level poverty in the US Upper Midwest between 1960 and 2000. Central …
County-Specific Net Migration by Five-Year Age Groups, Hispanic Origin, Race and Sex 2000-2010
Winkler, Richelle, Kenneth M. Johnson, Cheng Cheng, Paul R. Voss, and Katherine Curtis Working paper no. 2013-04 Abstract This report documents the methodology used to prepare county-level, net migration estimates by five-year age cohorts and …
Generational Changes in Racial Inequality in Occupational Attainment, 1950-2010: A Synthetic Cohort Analysis
Wilson, Franklin Working paper no. 2016-01 Abstract This paper analyzes age and cohort changes in the occupational attainment of Blacks and Whites born in successive decades from 1910 to 1979. Occupational attainment is operationalized as …
Racial Disparities in Student Loan Debt and the Reproduction of the Fragile Black Middle Class
Houle, Jason, and Fenaba Addo Working paper no. 2018-02 Abstract Policy makers and scholars express concern about rising levels of student debt in the U.S. But surprisingly little of this conversation recognizes that debt is …