Fuguitt, Glenn Working paper no. 1994-12
Recent Population Trends in Nonmetropolitan Cities and Villages: From the Turnaround, through Reversal to the Rebound
Fuguitt, Glenn, Calvin Beale, John Fulton, and Richard Gibson Working paper no. 1997-12
Migradollars and Mortality: The Effects of Migration on Infant Survival in Mexico
Kanaiaupuni, Shawn Malia, and Katharine M. Donato Working paper no. 1998-10 Abstract Few studies have examined how migration affects the health of populations in origin communities. We apply multilevel methods to data from Mexico to …
Exchanging Social Support with Friends, Neighbors, and Coworkers
Liebler, Carolyn, and Gary Sandefur Working paper no. 1998-19 Abstract What is the structure of exchange of social support between mature adults and their friends, neighbors, and coworkers? What factors are associated with involvement with …
Ties and Opportunities: The Effects of Legislative, Personal, and Economic Conditions on the Development of Migrant Networks Among Professionals
Bagchi, Ann Working paper no. 1998-28
Community Ties: The Importance of Co-Ethnics in Settlement Decisions among Indian and Filipino Professionals Immigrating to the United States
Bagchi, Ann Working paper no. 1999-24
Black Neighbors, Higher Crime? The Role of Racial Stereotypes in Evaluations of Neighborhood Crime
Quillian, Lincoln, and Devah Pager Working paper no. 2000-03 Abstract Our paper investigates the relationship between neighborhood racial composition and perceptions residents have of their neighborhood’s level of crime. We use survey questions asking about …
Sustaining Families and Communities: Nonmigrant Women and Mexico-U.S. Migration Processes
Kanaiaupuni, Shawn Malia Working paper no. 2000-13 Abstract Prior migration research has failed to take adequate account of the centrality of nonmigrant women to the creation and continuity of international labor migration processes. This study analyzes …
Gender Differences in the Exchange of Social Support with Friends, Neighbors, and Coworkers at Midlife
Liebler, Carolyn, and Gary D. Sandefur Working paper no. 2001-12 Abstract People have always relied on their friends, neighbors, and coworkers as well as family members for social support, but support from outside the family …
Neighborhood Context, Age and Self-Reported Health
Bowdre, Cheryl Working paper no. 2004-25