Summer DemSem 2022 Causal Inference Short Course
May 17-24: CDE affiliates are invited to participate in a 5-day short course led by Scott Cunningham (Economics, Baylor), author of Causal Inference: The Mixtape. Virtual training from 11-5 ET on May 17-19 on regression discontinuity, instrumental variable, and difference-in-difference designs (sign up here); followed by a two-day in person visit from Dr. Cunningham to Madison on May 23-24 (sign up here).
May 31-June 14: CDE is excited to host the first cohort of the NextGenPop program, an NICHD-funded program that supports the growth and diversification of the population science community. Twenty-five CDE faculty, post-doctoral, and doctoral affiliates are participating in this training. Learn more about the program here.
Faculty Development and Terrace Gathering: Supporting Reproducible Coding Workflow for Faculty-Led Research Teams:
June 28: CDE has partnered with the Data Science Institute to develop a short training for faculty interested in making workflow improvements that support efficiency and reduce error in research created by teams of faculty, post-docs, and graduate students working together. The afternoon seminar will be followed by a meet-up at the Union Terrace. Invitation and RSVP to follow.
CDE Summer Party
July 11: Given our pandemic-averted winter holiday parties, CDE affiliates and families are all warmly invited to gather for a party at Jenna Nobles home on Saturday, July 11, 5-10 pm. Invitation and RSVP to follow.
CDE 60thAnniversary Celebration and Conference
October 7-8: CDE eagerly looks forward to the 60th anniversary of CDE’s founding. We will be joined by a large group of alumni and former directors from around the country in what promises to be a fun and intellectually energizing event. Mark your calendars: October 7-8.