Dykema, Jennifer, and Nora Cate Schaeffer Working paper no. 1999-27 Abstract A substantial proportion of the research conducted by social scientists involves measuring, describing, and analyzing phenomena that can be broadly classified as events or …
jennifer dykema
Response Errors in Child Support and Paternity Questions: Procedures and Codes for Studying Interaction between the Interviewer and Respondent
Dykema, Jennifer, and Nora Cate Schaeffer Working paper no. 2004-02
Greeting and Response: Predicting Participation from the Call Opening
Schaeffer, Nora Cate, Bo Hee Min, Thomas Purnell, Dana Garbarski, and Jennifer Dykema Working paper no. 2017-02 Abstract Although researchers have used phone surveys for decades, the lack of an accurate picture of the call …