Rosero-Bixby, Luis, and Alberto Palloni Working paper no. 1996-19
A Four City Study of Black and White Spatial Isolation, 1960-1990
Sims, Mario Working paper no. 1996-24 Abstract In this paper, I examine 1960 to 1980 trends in suburbanization and education segregation within the black and white populations of four U.S. metropolitan areas. This analysis provides …
Recent Population Trends in Nonmetropolitan Cities and Villages: From the Turnaround, through Reversal to the Rebound
Fuguitt, Glenn, Calvin Beale, John Fulton, and Richard Gibson Working paper no. 1997-12
Ethnic Residential Segregation and Its Consequences
Wilson, Franklin ,and Roger Hammer Working paper no. 1997-18 Abstract We estimate a structural equation model of the association of residential preferences, perceived housing market discrimination, and ethnic composition of neighborhood with other neighborhood attributes, …
A Portrait of Family Farmers in Wisconsin
Slesinger, Doris, and Julie Whitaker Working paper no. 1998-30
Bringing the Household into the Population and Environment Debate: The Environmental Effects of Timing Migration According to the Household Life Cycle
Fomby, Paula Working paper no. 1998-31 Abstract This paper is intended to enhance the literature on population and the environment by developing a model that takes into account age and gender composition of rural households …
Metropolitan Labor Markets and Ethnic Niching: Introduction to a Research Project
Wilson, Franklin Working paper no. 1999-29 Abstract This paper reports the findings of a study of labor market niching involving 102 ethnic groups living in 216 metropolitan areas in 1990. Approximately 12 percent of the …
Agrarian Change and Population Growth in Late Colonial Spanish America: The Case of Puerto Rico, 1765-1815
Scarano, Francisco A., and Katherine Curtis Working paper no. 2011-04
Recovery Migration after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: Spatial Concentration and Intensification in the Migration System
Curtis, Katherine, Elizabeth Fussell and Jack DeWaard Working paper no. 2014-08 Abstract Changes in the human migration systems of Hurricane Katrina- and Rita-affected Gulf of Mexico coastline counties provide an example of how climate change …