Paul Peppard
Position title: Professor, Population Health Sciences
Phone: (608) 262-2680
Room 611A WARF, 610 Walnut Street
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I joined the faculty of University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2008 as an epidemiologist with expertise in cardiovascular outcomes of sleep disorders. I am the Principal Investigator of the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study (WSC)—an epidemiologic investigation of the natural history, outcomes, and risk factors of sleep disorders. My primary research areas include: outcomes of sleep disorders (e.g., cognitive dysfunction and cardiovascular disease); the impact of the obesity epidemic on sleep apnea prevalence; and the behavioral and genetic predictors of sleep disorders. I have first- and senior- authored publications in high-impact journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA.
In addition, initiated in 2006—prior to my joining the tenure track—I was a founding co-investigator for the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW). In 2015, I became Principal Investigator of SHOW. As such, I oversee or collaborate with SHOW scientists, biostatisticians, and staff to ensure the scientific integrity of data collection procedures, development of manuals of operations, implementation of quality assurance and quality control procedures, linkage with existing mortality and morbidity data, and coordination of ancillary study proposals and their implementation.
CDE research theme area affiliations
Health and the Life Course; Biodemography
Selected Publications
Eggers, Shoshannah, Patrick Remington, Karissa Ryan, Javier Nieto, Paul Peppard, and Kristen Malecki. “Obesity Prevalence and Health Consequences: Findings from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin, 2008-2013.” Wisconsin Medical Journal 115, no. 5 (2016): 238-43. NIHMS ID 979992.
Krueger, Patrick M., Eric N. Reither, Paul Peppard, Andrew E. Burger, and Lauren Hale. “Cumulative Exposure to Short Sleep and Body Mass Outcomes: A Prospective Study.” Journal of Sleep Research 24, no. 6 (2015): 629-38. PubMed Central ID 5563465.
Givens, Marjory L., Kristen C. Malecki, Paul Peppard, Mari Palta, Adnan Said, Corinne D. Engelman, Matthew C. Walsh, and F. Javier Nieto. “Shiftwork, Sleep Habits, and Metabolic Disparities: Results from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin.” Sleep Health 1, no. 2 (2015): 115-20. PubMed Central ID 4755509.
Kruger, Allison K., Eric N. Reither, Paul Peppard, Patrick M. Krueger, and Lauren Hale. “Do Sleep-Deprived Adolescents Make Less-Healthy Food Choices?”. British Journal of Nutrition 111, no. 10 (2014): 1898-904. PubMed Central ID 4454607.
Reither, Eric N., Patrick M. Krueger, Lauren Hale, E. Miranda Reiter, and Paul Peppard. “Ethnic Variation in the Association between Sleep and Body Mass among Us Adolescents.” International Journal of Obesity 38 (2014): 944-49. PubMed Central ID 4090255.
Bailey, Erin, Kristen Malecki, Corinne Engelman, Matthew Walsh, Andrew Bersch, Ana Martinez-Donate, Paul Peppard, and Javier Nieto. “Predictors of Discordance between Perceived and Objective Neighborhood Data.” Annals of Epidemiology 24, no. 3 (2014): 214-21. PubMed Central ID 3947547.
Malecki, Kristen, Corinne Engelman, Paul Peppard, Javier Nieto, Maggie Grabow, Milena Bernardinello, Erin Bailey, et al. “The Wisconsin Assessment of the Social and Built Environment (Wasabe): A Multi-Dimensional Objective Audit Instrument for Examining Neighborhood Effects on Health.” Bmc Public Health 14 (2014). PubMed Central ID 4289353.