CDE Grad Students and Postdocs Move to Faculty Positions

Congratulations to CDE graduate student Esteban Quiñones (agricultural and applied economics), who completed his PhD last spring/summer.

Quiñones research focused on poverty and the roles that households and government policies play in alleviating deprivation, with an emphasis on impacts of migration and gender. Quiñones has joined Mathematica Policy Research in Chicago, where he will contribute to their expanding international research portfolio.

While at CDE, Kirsch and Quiñones were both supported as predoctoral trainees by CDE’s NICHD T32 training grant award.

Chenoa Allen was affiliated with CDE as a postdoctoral researcher with the Health Disparities Research Scholars program. Chenoa joined the University of Missouri this summer, as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Sciences. Her research interests include adolescent development, refugee and immigrant adaptation, and the role of social and cultural capital in perpetuating inequalities.

Emily Hendrick was also a postdoctoral researcher with the Health Disparities Research Scholars program. She assumed a position as an instructor for the Master of Public Health program at the University of Nevada-Reno. She also plans to do consulting research and evaluation work for public health-focused non-profit and governmental organizations in Northern Nevada and Northern California.