Richter, Kerry Working paper no. 1987-09
working paper
Human Rights, Population Ethics and the Third World: Sources of Moral Conflict in International Population Policies
Sharpless, John Working paper no. 1987-10
Serial Holdings of the Library, Center for Demography and Ecology
Brewer, Julie Working paper no. 1987-11
Periodical Holdings of the Library, Center for Demography and Ecology
Brewer, Julie and Anne Rankovic Working paper no. 1987-12
Cross National Variation in Occupational Distributions, Relative Mobility Chances, and Intergenerational Shifts in Occupational Distributions
Hauser, Robert and David Grusky Working paper no. 1987-13
Nativity Differentials in Public Assistance Receipt: A Research Note
Jensen, Leif and Marta Tienda Working paper no. 1987-14
Poverty and Immigration to the United States: 1960-1980
Jensen, Leif Working paper no. 1987-15
On Regional Variation of Sex Preference in China
Xie, Yu Working paper no. 1987-16
Birthspacing and Fertility Decline in Costa Rica
Gomez, Victor Working paper no. 1987-17
Demographic Components of Seasonality of Pregnancy
Kallan, Jeffrey, and J. Richard Udry Working paper no. 1987-18