Slesinger, Doris and Eleanor Cautley Working paper no. 1986-43
working paper
The Socioeconomic Adaptation of Recent Southeast Asian Refugees: A Statistical Profile
Goza, Franklin and Marta Tienda Working paper no. 1986-01
Panels and Entities: Databases and Costs
Winsborough, Halliman Working paper no. 1987-01
A Statistical Crosstabulation Interface for Ingres: A Beginning
Lehnen, Linda and William Gates Working paper no. 1987-02
The Implications of the Changing Age Structure for Changes in the Structure and Size of American Households: 1970 to 1985
Santi, Lawrence Working paper no. 1987-03
Sibling Resemblance and Inter-Sibling Effects in Educational Attainment
Hauser, Robert and Raymond Sin-Kwok Wong Working paper no. 1987-04
The 1962 and 1973 Occupational Changes in a Generation Surveys: An Overview and List of Selected Data Files and Publications
Hauser, Robert Working paper no. 1987-05
The Use of Log-Linear Models to Assess Compositional Effects: The Case of Household Headship in the United States, 1970-1985
Santi, Lawrence Working paper no. 1987-06
Baby Boom and Marriage Bust Implications for Change in the Structure and Size of American Households, 1970 to 1985
Santi, Lawrence Working paper no. 1987-07
Self-Efficacy and Fertility Regulation by Single Women
DeLamater, John Working paper no. 1987-08