Core Demography Training Courses

Population and Society (Soc 971A/971B)

A two-semester course that provides a comprehensive, foundational understanding of the substance and methods of population science.

Advanced Demographic Techniques (Soc 756)

Covers standardization, decomposition, stable and nonstable population theory, multistate demography, population renewal models, quantum-tempo distinctions, indirect estimation, macrosimulation, and new tools in computational demography.

Demography Training Seminar (PHS/Soc 995)

Focuses on professional development skills for CDE students such as grant writing, data visualization, presentation design, publication writing, applying for academic and research jobs, responsible conduct of research, and other essential professional skills.

Demography Seminar, known as DemSem (PHS/Soc 997)

Offers presentations of substantive work at the forefront of population sciences by top scholars from across the university campus and beyond.

Summer DemSem (PHS/Soc 997)

An intensive 3-4 day workshop held between May and June each year and led by training faculty and leading scholars from around the country. The workshops focus on topics chosen to augment other training program elements.