Hauser, Robert, and Min-Hsiung Huang Working paper no. 1997-13 Abstract Along with other recent analyses of American social structure, Herrnstein and Murray’s The Bell Curve offers several hypotheses about the increasing centrality of cognitive ability …
robert hauser
Socioeconomic Achievements of Siblings in the Life Course: New Findings from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study
Hauser, Robert, Jennifer Sheridan, and John Warren Working paper no. 1998-02 Abstract About 8500 graduates of Wisconsin high schools and a randomly selected brother or sister have been followed from 1957 through the early 1990s. …
Social Class Indicators and Health at Midlife
Miech, Richard Allen, and Robert Hauser Working paper no. 1998-06 Abstract There are several competing schemes for the measurement of social and economic standing in studies of health and well-being. We address the predictive validity …
Mental Ability and the Sources of Occupational Success
Hauser, Robert Working paper no. 1998-07 Abstract Students of social stratification often ignore cognitive ability. By ignoring it, they are open to the accusation that they have failed to consider the full range of factors …
Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the United States: Measures, Differentials, and Trends
Hauser, Robert Working paper no. 1998-12 Abstract Economic research on intergenerational mobility has tended to focus on the extremes of the distribution of economic well-being—either on the inheritance of wealth or on the persistence of …
Should We End Social Promotion? Truth and Consequences
Hauser, Robert Working paper no. 1999-06
Socioeconomic Status and Depression among Adult Siblings
MacLean, Alair, and Robert Hauser Working paper no. 2000-04
Convergent Trends in Black-White Test-Score Differentials in the U.S.: A Correction of Richard Lynn
Huang, Min-Hsiung, and Robert Hauser Working paper no. 2000-07 Abstract Using aggregate data from the General Social Survey (GSS), 1974-1996, Lynn (1998) claims that the Black-White intelligence difference in the United States has not been …
Race-Ethnicity, Social Background, and Grade Retention
Hauser, Robert, Devah Pager, and Solon J. Simmons Working paper no. 2000-08 Abstract Despite the visible popularity of policies “to end social promotion,” little is known about the prevalence of grade retention in American schools …
High School Dropout, Race-Ethnicity, and Social Background from the 1970s to the 1990s
Hauser, Robert, Solon J. Simmons, and Devah Pager Working paper no. 2000-12 Abstract Between 1972 and 1998, data from October Current Population Surveys show that dropout is least among whites and greatest among Hispanics, and …