McDermott, Nancy, and Cynthia White Working paper no. 1994-28
A Comparative Evaluation of Selected Statistical Software for Computing Multinomial Models
McDermott, Nancy Working paper no. 1995-01
Sample Attrition and Response Error: Do Two Wrongs Make a Right?
Bollinger, Christopher, and Martin H. David Working paper no. 1995-15 Abstract Two important issues in the SIPP data are attrition and measurement error. Both of these issues have been previously studied (e.g. Marquis and Moore …
Censoring of Outcomes and Regressors due to Survey Nonresponse: Identification and Estimation Using Weights and Imputations
Horowitz, Joel, and Charles Manski Working paper no. 1995-30
Estimation of Two-Sided Logit Models
Logan, John Allen Working paper no. 1996-07 Abstract The two-sided logit (TSL) model proposed in Logan 1996a is conceptually simple but computationally difficult. Conceptually, the TSL model represents occupational outcomes as resulting from mutually constraining …
Rules of Access and Shifts in Demand: A Comparison of Log-Linear and Two-Sided Logit Models
Logan, John Allen Working paper no. 1996-08 Abstract Hauser (1978) succinctly expressed a long-standing desideratum for the analysis of mobility regimes: to separate “rules of access” to social positions from “the interplay of supply and …
Choosing a Measure of Occupational Standing: How Useful are Composite Measures in Analyses of Gender Inequality in Occupational Attainment?
Warren, John, Jennifer T. Sheridan, and Robert Hauser Working paper no. 1996-10 Abstract We ask whether and how indexes or scales of occupational socioeconomic standing affect inferences about gender differences in occupational success and occupational …
Geo-Demographic Methods for Improving Small-Area Population Estimates
Perry, Marc, and Paul Voss Working paper no. 1996-15
Malthus in Latin America: Demographic Responses During the 19th and 20th Centuries
Palloni, Alberto, Hector Perez Brignoli, and Elizabeth Arias Working paper no. 1996-28
Analysis of Child Mortality with Clustered Data: A Review of Alternative Models and Procedures
Cesar, Cibele Comini, Alberto Palloni, and Hantamalala Rafalimanana Working paper no. 1997-04