Palloni, Alberto, Susan De Vos, and Martha Pelaez Working paper no. 1999-02 Abstract This document evaluates the nature of aging in Latin America and the Caribbean, and reviews available evidence regarding the demographic profile of …
Occupational Sex Segregation in Global Perspective: Comparative Analyses of Developed and Developing Nations
Cartmill, Randi Working paper no. 1999-12 Abstract This study provides the first systematic examination of patterns of occupational sex segregation in less developed countries. I apply log-linear and log-multiplicative models to six-category occupational data from …
The Structure of Disadvantage: Individual and Occupational Determinants of the Black-White Wage Gap
Grodsky, Eric, and Devah Pager Working paper no. 1999-28 Abstract In this paper we explore individual and occupational characteristics that explain earnings inequality between black and white men. Our research is motivated by the idea …
Race-Ethnicity, Social Background, and Grade Retention
Hauser, Robert, Devah Pager, and Solon J. Simmons Working paper no. 2000-08 Abstract Despite the visible popularity of policies “to end social promotion,” little is known about the prevalence of grade retention in American schools …
The Role of Early Health Status in Social Stratification
Palloni, Alberto, and Carolina Milesi Working paper no. 2003-02 Abstract The persistence of social class inequalities is a salient regularity in modern societies. In this paper we argue that there are mechanisms that link early …
Grade Retention in the Age of Standards-Based Reform
Hauser, Robert, Carl B. Frederick, Megan Andrew Working paper no. 2007-04
Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Comparative Perspective: Persistent Inequality in Educational Attainment and its Institutional Context
Pfeffer, Fabian Working paper no. 2007-09 Abstract The provision of equal educational opportunities is a central political goal in all modern societies. Yet research repeatedly shows that educational opportunities continue to be distributed very unevenly …
Earnings Inequality and the Changing Association Between Spouses’ Earnings
Schwartz, Christine Working paper no. 2007-13 Abstract Increases in the association between spouses’ earnings have the potential to increase economic inequality as marriages increasingly consist of two high- or two low-earning partners. This paper uses …
Intergenerational Health Selection in Wealth: A First Look at Parents’ Health Shocks and Inter Vivos Financial Transfers
Andrew, Megan, Erin Ruel, and Robert Hauser Working paper no. 2008-16 Abstract Researchers have explored the considerable negative effect of an individual’s or his spouse’s poor health on their wealth accumulation. Health selection may also …
Sample Selection Bias in the Pathways to Adult Health Inequalities
White, Robert G., and Alberto Palloni Working paper no. 2009-11 Abstract Sample selection bias is a chronic problem in longitudinal studies that is particularly problematic for studies concerning the relationship between health and socio-economic status. …