Cook, Steven T., Enilda Delgado, and Gary Sandefur Working paper no. 1998-18 Abstract Births that are conceived before a first marriage result in difficult decisions about where and with whom the mother should live, and …
Kinship Ties and Solitary Living among Unmarried Elderly Women: Evidence from Chile and Mexico
De Vos, Susan Working paper no. 1998-20 Abstract This paper uses census data from Chile and Mexico to describe the coresidential kinship ties of unmarried elderly (60+ years of age) women and to examine the …
Bringing the Household into the Population and Environment Debate: The Environmental Effects of Timing Migration According to the Household Life Cycle
Fomby, Paula Working paper no. 1998-31 Abstract This paper is intended to enhance the literature on population and the environment by developing a model that takes into account age and gender composition of rural households …
Aging in Latin American and the Caribbean
Palloni, Alberto, Susan De Vos, and Martha Pelaez Working paper no. 1999-02 Abstract This document evaluates the nature of aging in Latin America and the Caribbean, and reviews available evidence regarding the demographic profile of …
Reconceptualizing the Work-Family Interface: An Ecological Perspective on the Correlates of Positive and Negative Spillover between Work and Family
Grzywacz, Joseph, and Nadine F. Marks Working paper no. 1999-03 Abstract The overarching goal of this study was to use ecological theory to develop a more expanded conceptualization of the work-family interface, and to identify …
Elderly Living Arrangements in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, and Romania
De Vos, Susan, and Gary Sandefur Working paper no. 1999-14 Abstract This paper examines the living arrangements of elderly people in five European countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland and Romania. The paper discusses …
Leaving Parents Behind: Migration and Elderly Living Arrangements in Mexico
Kanaiaupuni, Shawn Malia Working paper no. 1999-16 Abstract Unlike industrialized countries, where parents expect to spend some portion of mid- to later-life without children at home, traditional patterns of living arrangements in Mexico reflect high …
Living Arrangements of Older Persons
Palloni, Alberto Working paper no. 2000-02
Counting on Kin: Social Networks, Social Support and Child Health Status in Mexico
Kanaiaupuni, Shawn Malia, Theresa Thompson-Colón, and Katharine M. Donato Working paper no. 2000-10 Abstract This paper presents the results of new data collection in Mexico about the relationships between child well-being and social networks. Two …
A First Look at Living Arrangements among Hispanic Elders 1970-2000 with Special Emphasis on Living Alone among Unmarried Women
De Vos, Susan, and Elizabeth Arias Working paper no. 2001-05