Kuo, Hsiang-Hui Daphne, and Robert Hauser Working paper no. 1994-10
Social Background, Migration History, and English Language Ability: Educational Attainment among White and Mexican Origin Children in the American Southwest, 1990
Warren, John Working paper no. 1994-11
How Does Size of Sibship Matter? Revisiting Family Configuration and the Effect of Family Background on Educational Attainment
Kuo, Hsiang-Hui Daphne, and Robert Hauser Working paper no. 1994-16
Eliciting Student Expectations of the Returns to Schooling
Dominitz, Jeff, and Charles Maski Working paper no. 1994-20
Social Stratification across Three Generations: New Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study
Warren, John, and Robert Hauser Working paper no. 1995-05 Abstract Research on intergenerational social and economic mobility is almost always limited to mobility across two generations. While two-generation studies provide important insights into the ways …
Does the Gender Composition of Sibships Affect Educational Attainment?
Hauser, Robert, and Hsiang-Hui Daphne Kuo Working paper no. 1995-06 Abstract Data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, the November 1989 Current Population Survey, and the National Longitudinal Study of Women suggest that women …
Demography and the Evolution of Educational Inequality
Mare, Robert Working paper no. 1995-10
Social Background Differentials in College Entry among Recent High School Graduates: The Effects of Race, Sex, and Family Background
Hanam, Phang Working paper no. 1995-19
Does Poverty in Adolescence Affect the Life Chances of High School Graduates
Hauser, Robert, and Megan Sweeney Working paper no. 1995-22
The Effectiveness of Single-Sex Catholic Secondary Schooling: Evidence from the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988
LePore, Paul, and John Warren Working paper no. 1996-05 Abstract Using data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988, we ask three questions. First, are there differences between single-sex and coeducational Catholic secondary school …