Halpern-Manners, Andrew, John Robert Warren, James Raymo, and D. Adam Nicholson Working paper no. 2010-13 Abstract Motivated by theoretical and empirical research in life course sociology, we examine relationships between trajectories of work and family …
The Effects of Grandparents on Children’s Schooling: Evidence from Rural China
Zeng, Zhen and Yu Xie Working paper no. 2011-11 Abstract Past studies of intergenerational mobility in the U.S. have found that the influence of grandparents on their grandchildren’s socioeconomic outcomes is completely mediated through the …
Female Education, Low Fertility, and Economic Development
Palloni, Alberto, Beatriz Novak, and Laeticia Rodrigues de Souza Working paper no. 2012-03 Abstract We know surprisingly little about the long reach of changes in education and fertility, their intergenerational implications and the long term …
Unpartnered Mothers, Living Arrangements, and Poverty: A Cross-national Comparison
Raymo, James M., Timothy Smeeding, Kathryn Edwards, and Hillary Caruthers Working paper no. 2014-06 Abstract We examine relationships between living arrangements and the economic well-being of unpartnered mothers relative to partnered mothers in five countries—Australia, …
Intermarriage and Social Exclusion in China
Wang, Yu and Christine R. Schwartz Working paper no. 2015-01 Abstract Hukou is a key status marker in contemporary China. Urban Hukou status conveys large economic benefits such as preferential access to good schools, prestigious …
Trends in Economic Homogamy: Changes in Assortative Mating or the Division of Paid Labor in Marriage?
Gonalons-Pons, Pilar, and Christine R. Schwartz Working paper no. 2015-02 Abstract The growing economic resemblance of spouses has contributed to rising inequality by increasing the number of couples in which there are two high- or …
Generational Changes in Racial Inequality in Occupational Attainment, 1950-2010: A Synthetic Cohort Analysis
Wilson, Franklin Working paper no. 2016-01 Abstract This paper analyzes age and cohort changes in the occupational attainment of Blacks and Whites born in successive decades from 1910 to 1979. Occupational attainment is operationalized as …
Income Inequality, Social Mobility and Mortality in the U.S.
Palloni, Alberto, Sebastian Daza, Elizabeth Arias, and Ezekiel J. Emanuel Working paper no. 2016-02 Abstract We test the conjecture that intergenerational social mobility is tightly linked to adult mortality even after accounting for income levels, income …
Extended Family Living among Elderly Women Aged 60+ in Brazil in 2010: Comparing Women Who Had or Did Not Have a Live Birth
De Vos, Susan Working paper no. 2018-01 Abstract This study looks at the extended family household living of elderly women aged 60+ in Brazil in 2010 (35.9 percent) by whether they had had a live …
Displacement Due to Armed Conflict and Violence in Childhood and Older Adult Health: The Case of the Middle-Income Country of Colombia
McEniry, Mary, Rafael Samper-Ternent, and Carlos Cano Guitierrez Working paper no. 2018-03 Abstract Large displacement of populations in developing economies due to internal armed conflict and violence is of international concern but there has been …