Palloni, Alberto Working paper no. 2000-02
alberto palloni
A Re-Examination of the Hispanic Mortality Paradox
Palloni, Alberto, and Elizabeth Arias Working paper no. 2003-01 Abstract We test three competing explanations of the adult “Hispanic mortality paradox:” data artifact, migration, and cultural or social buffering effects. Based on a series of …
The Role of Early Health Status in Social Stratification
Palloni, Alberto, and Carolina Milesi Working paper no. 2003-02 Abstract The persistence of social class inequalities is a salient regularity in modern societies. In this paper we argue that there are mechanisms that link early …
Health Status in a National Sample of Elderly Mexicans
Palloni, Alberto, Beth J. Soldo, Rebeca Wong, and Mary McEniry Working paper no. 2003-03 Abstract Context: We know precious little about adult health in developing countries in general and Latin America in particular. We know even …
Racial Differentials in Longevity and Heath Status: U.S. Population, 1980-1990
Guend, Hani, and Alberto Palloni Working paper no. 2003-07 Abstract We examine differentials in adult Partial Life Expectancies by type of disability between two censuses within each racial group; and among white, black, Asian, and …
Aging and Health Status of Elderly in Latin America and the Caribbean
Palloni, Alberto, and Mary McEniry Working paper no. 2004-09 Abstract Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean will not proceed along known paths already followed by more developed countries. In particular, the health profile of …
The HIV/AIDS Epidemic, Kin Relations, Living Arrangements and the Elderly in South Africa
Merli, M. Giovanna, and Alberto Palloni Working paper no. 2004-13
The Accuracy of Self-Reported Anthropometry: Obesity among Older Mexicans
Palloni, Alberto, Beth Soldo, and Rebeca Wong Working paper no. 2004-23 Abstract Recent surveys of older adults include batteries of questions or modules on self-reported chronic conditions as well as on limited self-reported anthropometry. Experience …
Effect of Early Conditions on Disability among Elderly in Latin America and the Caribbean
Monteverde, Malena, Kenya Noronha, and Alberto Palloni Working paper no. 2007-11 Abstract Poor early conditions have been associated with increasing risks of some non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease during adulthood. On …
Obesity and the Loss of Life: A Comparison between the US and Mexico
Monteverde, Malena, Beatriz Novak, Kenya Noronha, and Alberto Palloni Working paper no. 2007-12 Abstract High and increasing levels of obesity in the US and Mexico could compromise future gains in life expectancy for these populations. …