Jun Zhu
Credentials: Professor, Statistics
Email: jzhu@stat.wisc.edu
6120 Medical Sciences Center
1300 University Avenue
Madison WI 53706
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I am a faculty member in the Departments of Statistics and Entomology. The main components of my research activities are statistical methodological research and scientific collaborative research. My statistical methodological research concerns developing statistical methodology for analyzing spatially referenced data (spatial statistics) and spatial data repeatedly sampled over time (spatio-temporal statistics) that arise often in the biological, physical, and social sciences. My recent collaborative research related to this project concerns applying modern statistical methods, especially spatial and spatio-temporal statistics, to studies in spatial demography, population research, and environmental health.
CDE Research Area Affiliation:
Spatial and Environmental Demography
Selected Publications:
Travers, Brittany G., Olivia Surgent, Jose Guerrero‐Gonzalez, Douglas C. Dean III, Nagesh Adluru, Steven R. Kecskemeti, Gregory R. Kirk et al. “Role of autonomic, nociceptive, and limbic brainstem nuclei in core autism features.” Autism Research (2024).
Yao, Kehui, Jun Zhu, Daniel J. O’Brien, and Daniel Walsh. “Bayesian spatio‐temporal survival analysis for all types of censoring with application to a wildlife disease study.” Environmetrics 34, no. 8 (2023): e2823.