Christopher Timmins
Credentials: Professor, Real Estate & Urban Land Economics
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Madison, WI 53715
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Christopher Timmins is the Gary J Gorman Affordable Housing Professor in the Real Estate and Urban Land Economics Department at the Wisconsin School of Business. He holds a BSFS degree from Georgetown University and a PhD in Economics from Stanford University. Professor Timmins was on the faculty in the Economics Departments at Yale and Duke before joining WSB in 2023. His professional activities include teaching, research, and editorial responsibilities. Professor Timmins specializes in urban and environmental economics, but he also has interests in industrial organization, development, public and regional economics. He works on developing new methods for non-market valuation of local public goods and amenities, with a particular focus on hedonic techniques and models of residential sorting. His recent research has focused on measuring the costs associated with exposure to poor air quality, the benefits associated with remediating brownfields and toxic waste under the Superfund program, the valuation of non-marginal changes in disamenities, and the causes and consequences of “environmental injustice”.
CDE Research Area Affiliations:
Inequality, Poverty, Wealth & Mobility; Spatial & Environmental Demography
Selected Publications:
Bhavsar, Nrupen A., Kay Jowers, Lexie Z. Yang, Sharmistha Guha, Xuan Lin, Sarah Peskoe, Hannah McManus et al. “The Association between Long-term PM2. 5 Exposure and Risk for Pancreatic Cancer: An Application of Social Informatics.” American Journal of Epidemiology (2024): kwae271.
Jowers, Kay, Yu Ma, and Christopher Timmins. “The Costs of Exposure to Industrial Livestock Operations.” Land Economics (2024).
Gao, Xuwen, Ran Song, and Christopher Timmins. “The fertility consequences of air pollution in China.“ Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 11, no. 3 (2024): 657-688.
Cain, Lucas, Danae Hernandez-Cortes, Christopher Timmins, and Paige Weber. “Recent findings and methodologies in economics research in environmental justice.” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 18, no. 1 (2024): 116-142.