Eunsil Oh

Credentials: Assistant Professor, Sociology and Asian Languages and Cultures


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1180 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706

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Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Eunsil Oh is an assistant professor of Sociology and Asian Languages and Culture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research lies in family studies; sociology of gender; and demography. Oh’s research explores key themes in individuals’ narratives of their work and family decisions and the underlying social and cultural forces that shape these decisions. Topics of her interest include marriage, fertility, parenting, and employment. Currently, using the context of contemporary Korea, which has the lowest total fertility rate in the world, Oh investigates how individuals define success and arrive at their ideals about fertility and work. Her recent collaborative work also explores how women define social mobility and make decisions about work and fertility in contemporary East Asia.

CDE Research Area Affiliations:

Fertility, Families & Households; Demography of Inequality

Selected Publications:

Mu, Zheng, and Eunsil Oh. “Valuation of domestic work: Construction of stay‐at‐home motherhood among elite Chinese migrants in Singapore.” Gender, Work & Organization (2023).

Oh, Eunsil. “Reaching for the Sky and Beyond: Middle-Class American Families and Their Everyday Overwork.Contemporary Sociology (2022): 349-352.