Corina Mommaerts
Credentials: Associate Professor, Economics
6432 Sewell Social Sciences
1180 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706
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I am an economist with interests in the economics of aging, family economics, and health economics. My research agenda focuses on the role of informal networks in mitigating risks faced by individuals, particularly during the later stages of the lifecycle. As an affiliate of the Center for Demography and Ecology (CDE), I have worked on projects related to two of CDE’s primary research areas: Fertility, Families, and Households and Health and the Life Course. On Fertility, Families, and Households, I have studied the role of adult children in providing care to elderly parents in lieu of nursing home care and in lieu of purchasing long-term care insurance, and the role of the extended family in insuring against income risk. On Health and the Life Course, I have studied whether informal care by children co-moves with the business cycle and whether this can explain the link between elderly mortality and business cycles, as well as the optimal design of health insurance deductibles.
CDE Research Area Affiliations:
Fertility, Families, and Households; Health and the Life Course
Selected Publications:
Hong, Long, and Corina Mommaerts. “Time aggregation in health insurance deductibles.” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 16, no. 2 (2024): 270-299.
Magnolfi, Lorenzo, Corina Mommaerts, Natalia Serna, and Christopher Sullivan. “The Rise of Urgent Care Centers: Implications for Competition and Access to Health Care.” Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics 2, no. 2 (2024): 201-243.
Chandra, Amitabh, Courtney Coile, and Corina Mommaerts. “What can economics say about Alzheimer’s Disease?.” Journal of Economic Literature 61, no. 2 (2023): 428-470.