Lindsay Jacobs

Credentials: Assistant Professor, Public Affairs


2444 Sewell Social Sciences
1180 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706

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Curriculum Vitae

As a labor economist, my research focuses on the later-life interactions among health, labor supply decisions, and occupation. This research falls under two CDE primary research areas: Health and the Life Course and Demography of Inequality. Under the area of Health and the Life Course, I study the influence of transitions in physical and cognitive health on people’s decisions to work and save at older ages. My research in the area of Demography of Inequality considers (i) how outcomes that vary due to individuals’ health experiences and occupation choices lead to differing impacts from public policy, particularly Social Security and Disability programs, and (ii) financial preparedness for retirement across various demographic groups.

CDE Research Area Affiliations:

Demography of Inequality; Health and the Life Course

Selected Publication:

Jacobs, Lindsay. “Occupations, retirement, and the value of disability insurance.” Journal of Public Economics 225 (2023): 104976.