Corbett Grainger

Credentials: Professor, Agricultural & Applied Economics


412 Taylor Hall
427 Lorch Street
Madison, WI 53706

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Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
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Curriculum Vitae

My research focuses on distributional impacts of environmental policy and regulation, and the political economy of environmental regulations. My research is mostly empirical, utilizing modern econometric methods to study the causal effects of environmental regulations on different income or demographic groups. These areas of expertise contribute to training and research activities in CDE’s growing emphasis on Spatial and Environmental Demography. I bring the substantive and technical focus of a development economist to this interdisciplinary effort to develop a core strength in interactions between population and environment and how these interactions are shaped by policy.

CDE Research Area Affiliation:

Spatial and Environmental Demography

Selected Publication:

Fan, Mingxuan, and Corbett Grainger. “The impact of air pollution on labor supply in China.” Sustainability 15, no. 17 (2023): 13082.