Leonelo E. Bautista
Credentials: Associate Professor, Population Health Sciences
Email: lebautista@wisc.edu
703 WARF Office Building
610 Walnut Street
Madison, WI 53726
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I am a physician epidemiologist, and Associate Professor at the Department of Population Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison. I maintain a regular, strong, and productive collaboration with investigators around the world. For over a decade my research has been focused in the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases. More specifically, I am interested in the identification of factors that influence the risk of developing arterial hypertension and barriers for hypertension control. Early in my career, I conducted epidemiologic studies that led to the recognition of chronic inflammation as a risk factor for the development of hypertension. I have also conducted studies on the role of genetic polymorphisms of the RAS and found that only the ACE DD genotype seems to be associated to hypertension among Hispanics.
CDE Research Area Affiliation:
Health and the Life Course
Selected Publications:
Bautista, Leonelo E., and Víctor M. Herrera. “The need for transparency in COVID-19 vaccine trials and vaccination policies: the case of CoronaVac in Latin America.” Journal of Public Health and Emergency (2023).
Flórez-García, Victor Alfonso, E. C. Guevara-Romero, M. M. Hawkins, Leonelo E. Bautista, T. E. Jenson, J. Yu, and A. E. Kalkbrenner. “Cadmium exposure and risk of breast cancer: A meta-analysis.” Environmental Research 219 (2023): 115109.
Ávila, Luis Miguel Sosa, Martha Lucía Díaz Galvis, Mayra Alejandra Jaimes Campos, Anyela Lozano-Parra, Laura Andrea Rodríguez Villamizar, Myriam Oróstegui Arenas, Ruth Aralí Martínez-Vega, Lina María Vera Cala, and Leonelo E. Bautista. “Validation of RT-qPCR test for SARS-CoV-2 in saliva specimens.” Journal of Infection and Public Health 15, no. 12 (2022): 1403-1408.