Request for Proposals: CDE Seed Grants

The Center for Demography and Ecology (CDE) is pleased to announce its annual seed grant competition to support pilot research for future grant applications to NICHD. Grants are intended to support small-scale and innovative research projects, especially those that will provide preliminary data leading to larger research efforts in population research.

Proposals on a wide range of topics are invited but should fall under the core research areas of NICHD’s Population Dynamics Branch focused on demography, reproductive health and population health. Of particular interest is research that addresses one of CDE’s five primary research areas: Fertility, Families, and Households; Health and the Life Course; Demography of Inequality; Biodemography; and Spatial and Environmental Demography.

For details, please see the request for proposals. If you have questions about eligibility or project applicability, contact Eric Grodsky and/or Jenna Nobles.

Please submit proposals (2-3 pages) by March 31, 2022 to