Jim Raymo, chair of the sociology department and training director for the Center for Demography of Health and Aging, received the 2017 Outstanding Publication Award from the Section on Aging and the Life Course of the American Sociological Association. Co-written with Andrew Halpern-Manners (Indiana), John Robert Warren (Minnesota), and D. Adam Nicholson (Indiana), the paper, “The Impact of Work and Family Life Histories on Economic Well-being at Older Ages,” was published in Social Forces in 2015. The authors examined the relationships between trajectories of work and family roles across the life course and measures of economic well-being in later adulthood.
Raymo was also recently elected to the Population Association of America’s board of directors, joining Jenna Nobles (associate professor, sociology), who is serving a three-year term.
Tim Smeeding, the Lee Rainwater Distinguished Professor of Public Affairs and Economics in the La Follette School of Public Affairs, was inducted in May as the 2017 John Kenneth Galbraith Fellow of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (AAPSS), one of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious learned societies. To recognize contributions to society made through research and public service, AAPSS selects a small group of outstanding scholars to join the academy each year. One of five scholars invited in 2017, Smeeding is well-known for his research on poverty, inequality, intergenerational mobility, consumption, and wealth. He also served as the founding director of the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), an invaluable data resource that allows cross-national comparisons related to demographics, economic well-being, and public policies across more than 50 nations.