IRP Seminar: Anjum Hajat (University of Washington), “What Is Precarious Employment and How Does It Impact Health and Health Inequity?”

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8417 Sewell Social Sciences Building 1180 Observatory Drive Madison, WI 53706
@ 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm

Co-sponsored by CDE

This seminar is a part of the Fall IRP Seminar Series

Precarious employment (PE), which encompasses the power relations between workers and employers, is a well-established social determinant of health. Often characterized by unstable employment, low-paying jobs, and a lack of rights and protections for workers, PE is more common among women, immigrants, and racialized workers. In this seminar, Dr. Hajat will present recent evidence of the individual and intergenerational health impacts of PE, with a focus on data from the United States. Importantly, she will also discuss the role of PE in maintaining and perpetuating socioeconomic health inequities. She will conclude with a discussion of future research directions to better understand the impact of PE on worker’s health and well-being.