DemSem: Sara Curran (University of Washington), “Reflections on Demographic Dynamics and Climate Change”

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8417 Sewell Social Sciences Building 1180 Observatory Drive Madison, WI 53706
@ 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm
DemSem full semester schedule

From Dr. Curran:

The presentation will reflect upon past and current research around demographic dynamics and climate change. The talk will consider how demographers might think more broadly about both adaptation and mitigation in relation to climate change. First, the talk will examine the demographic selectivity of climate impacts across the life course, livelihoods, and statuses. Second, the talk will also consider how demographic momentum and shifting population compositions might also change potential shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), given recent evidence about reforestation in low and middle income countries.

Dr. Sara Curran researches demography dynamics, gender, migration, and environment in many contexts around the globe. Her current projects include: 1) improving small area population estimates; 2) social change and migration dynamics, 3) climate change, natural disasters, and population change, 4) several projects related to applied research and training, and 5) global studies research.