DemSemX: Academic Midlife Videos Posted

If you weren’t able to join this summer’s DemSemX sessions, recordings of each session are now available.

The first session, “Life after Tenure” was held on July 23 and featured Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez (UCLA), Jennie Brand (UCLA), and Jack DeWaard (Minnesota).

The July 30 session, “Later-Stage Career Choices,” featured Adam Gamoran (William T. Grant Foundation), Jennifer Glass (UT at Austin), and Zhenchao Qian (Brown).

DemSemX was co-sponsored by: Center for Family and Demographic Research (BGSU); Population Studies and Training Center (Brown); Cornell Population Center (Cornell); Population Studies Center (UMich); Minnesota Population Center (UMN); Population Research Institute (PSU); Texas Population Research Center (UT-Austin); California Center for Population Research (UCLA); Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology (Washington), Center for Demography and Ecology (UW–Madison).