DemSem: Ariel Azur (Purdue University), “Institutions, the Life Course, & Health: A Research Agenda”

8417 William H. Sewell Social Sciences Building
@ 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm
DemSem Full Semester Schedule

Dr. Ariel Azur is a CDE Visiting Scholar and will be joining us February 24th – 28th.

This presentation examines how institutional environments throughout the life course shape health disparities by applying a comparative institutional life-course framework. Using two cases—Latin American immigrants in the U.S. and women’s mental health in Europe—it highlights how both pre-migration arrangements and work–family trajectories interact with institutions to produce divergent long-term health outcomes. By integrating these perspectives, this research extends life course theory and underscores the powerful role policy environments play in shaping health inequalities.

Dr. Ariel Azur’s research focuses on the interplay between policy, political systems, and broader social structures, and their influence on health disparities and overall health trajectories across the lifespan. His research is particularly dedicated to investigating the health outcomes of migrant and LGBT populations, exploring both intra-group disparities and differences relative to non-migrant and cis-heterosexual populations in changing policy contexts that (un)protect these populations. He also delves into the impact of public and policy attitudes towards migration on perceptions of the welfare state, contributing valuable insights in the context of increasing global migration.